Shopping online is no longer a new phenomenon. Should you choose to pay by credit card on the site, your card details are encrypted for the transaction - making it more secure than giving your card details over the phone.
We use Secure Socket Layer technology (SSL), which means using your credit card to make a purchase online with Opodo should leave you with no safety fears. Security need not be the reason stopping you shopping online.
In order to protect your online transactions further, we have introduced the 'Verified by Visa' and "Matercard Securecode" schemes to our website. Verified by Visa is a service that Visa has developed to validate your online transactions: Martercard Securecode is the equivalant service from Mastercard. If you are signed up to the scheme via your card issuer, during the payment process you will see a pop-up screen asking you to enter your Verified by Visa/Mastercard Securecode password and card details. Simply fill in the form and Visa/Mastercard will validate your details. To find out more about Verified by Visa or Mastercard Securecode, ask your card issuer.
But with Opodo, security goes further than protecting your chosen payment details. We're doing everything to ensure that your tickets are with you when we say they will be. We'll always do our best to let you know if any of your flight details change. In fact, we'll help you feel secure throughout your whole travel experience.