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Need to check the status of your booking, your flight details or your baggage allowance?
Log on to Manage my booking or download our app for iPhone and Android to check the status of your booking.
Booking status
Once you have booked your travel, you will receive an email indicating the status of your booking:
Confirmed booking
All set, you just need to pack your bags and check-in.
Booking request received
We may need some more time to process your booking. Don’t worry, you don’t need to contact us or make a new booking, we will send you a confirmation within 24 hours.
Booking cancelled or payment declined
Something didn’t go as expected. We may have experienced problems processing your payment or issuing your ticket. If this happens, we will send you an email with clear instructions
Payment and issuance of tickets
Your tickets will be issued within a period of 24 hours after payment has gone through. In most cases, tickets are issued within minutes of payment being received, unless you have selected a special service that may require the confirmation of the airline (e.g. special assistance for passengers with reduced mobility, travelling with a pet, etc.)
Our system makes a number of checks in order to guarantee a secure transaction. In some cases, this can delay the issuance of your tickets for a few hours. If your transaction does not pass our security checks, we will contact you via email.
If you have received an email indicating that your booking is being processed but haven’t received an update after 24 hours, please contact us.